Free Download Joomla Power Equilab full version standalone offline installer for Windows. It allows you to improve your game by calculating your chances of winning against various opponents in different situations.
Overview of Power Equilab
It is an equity calculator. This tool allows you to analyze the equity of a specific hand or a range of hands. Furthermore, you can verify your equity in any given scenario, thanks to the many filters available. What is equity? Equity means your chance of winning a spot in a given situation.
Moreover, It can analyze the range of hands an opponent will likely hold in a given situation and provide you with equity figures to deduce the profitability of any given situation.
Features of Power Equilab
- Equity calculations on ranges and sub-ranges
- supports hand range selection, weighted ranges, and hierarchically grouped ranges.
- Built-in hand range calculator and heat maps
- Equity graphs for the current and next streets
- Imports range from other equity tools (e.g., PokerRanger) and imported hand histories.
- Hand ranking editor: 29 pre-defined hand rankings and define your own with a hand ranking editor.
- Use playability profiles or define your own via the playability editor.
- Hand strength distribution on unknown flops.
- Built-in Equity Trainer for all streets
- Calculate the equities of possible cards on the following streets:
- Export results and auto-upload graphs for use in forums.
Technical Details and System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more
Power Equilab Download Free for Windows 10
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Download Power Equilab for Windows 10 Free